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  • Writer's pictureStine Fjelstad

Support (Psst: We all need it)

We all need support. Support through tough times, support to make our everyday schedule easier, support to stay focused and so on. Support can be an amazing thing and can make a lot of things and times easier, better and happier.

Here’s two different kinds of support:

Sosial Support

Who can it be? It can be a friend, spouse, loved one, a parent, a coach, a SOME friend, coworker, an accountability buddy. Or more of a communal kind of social support, like a church group, mastermind group, friend group, coaching group, your team or workout buddies that cheer each other on and more.

How or what kind? It can be a check in text, someone you can let go of your feelings with or help sort them out. Weekly meetings/hangouts, sharing tips or recipes. Weekly or daily walking buddy. It can be an accountability check in. Helping you to stay focused on your goals or help you get get back on the horse when you’re about to fall off.

Summed up: It can be anything you need.

Structural and environmental support:

This is about facilitating for yourself physically, and making things more practical and/or easier. Basically rigging your environment for your own success and support. If you’re trying to lose weight and/or stay away from certain food groups because you benefit from it. Remove them from your cupboards and fridge to make it easier. And maybe make healthy snacks ready for grabs. Want to get your but to the gym in the morning? Prep for it the night before by putting your gym clothes ready and pack your gym bag. Or in these home gym days: clean away clutter here and there the night before. So you can focus on your morning workout with as few distractions as possible (speaking from this mornings experience). Turn your phone to flight mode or night mode to limit distractions during work sessions or me time. Or take it a bit further: put it in a kitchen safe/time locking container or in your car - real life examples btw! Have things around you that motivate you, inspire you and make you happy - some of my favorites are vision boards, quotes, pictures, fresh flowers and coffee cups.

Pro tip:

Do you have a goal you want to achieve? Ask yourself:

  • Who can be my support in reaching my goal? And how can they support me? And do tell them! People won’t just know - even though it would be great if they could just read your mind right?

  • How can I rig my environment to support my goal? What can I add/remove/adjust that will support me in reaching my goal? What will make it easier for me? Pro tip within the pro tip: start with adding! We don’t like it when things are taken away from us.

Here to serve!

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